Heavy metals commonly enter our bodies through a number of avenues.  Drinking water through old lead pipes, wearing lead based lipstick and cosmetics, aluminum in deodorant, smoking e-cigarettes, pesticides & herbicides used on produce, air pollution & vehicle exhaust, and industrial exposure are all such examples.  An article was recently published listing the top 10 superfoods that help detoxify and flush out toxic heavy metals from the body. A reprinting of the list is as follows:

  1. Cilantro — Experts say that cilantro contains strong chelating properties that bind with heavy metals and flush them out of the body. (Related: Detox from heavy metals naturally by adding some cilantro to your sandwiches or salads.)
  2. Spirulina — The blue-green algae is an excellent source of folic acid and is touted for its efficacy in removing heavy metals from the nervous system and the liver.
  3. Probiotic foods — According to experts, probiotic-rich foods contain high levels of lactic acid that binds to metal atoms.
  4. Ginger — Ginger is touted to support kidney health, which in turn promotes the body’s elimination process.
  5. Citrus fruits — Like lactic acid, the high citric acid content in citrus fruits are also known to attach to metal atoms and lead them out of the body’s system.
  6. Activated charcoal — Experts note that activated charcoal can be safely consumed by those who want to detoxify their bodies. Like any other chelating agent, activated charcoal tends to stick to metal atoms and rid the body of heavy metal deposits.
  7. Chlorella — Another type of beneficial algae, chlorella is known to bind with metal deposits in the body.
  8. Milk thistle seeds — According to previous studies, milk thistle seeds protect against the harmful effects of mercury.
  9. Garlic — Past studies have also shown that garlic is highly effective in keeping the harmful effects of heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury at bay.
  10. Alpha lipoic acids — Foods rich in alpha lipoic acids — such as peas, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli as well as spinach and rice bran — are believed to have the capacity to cross the blood brain barrier and take out heavy metals from the brain.

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