Clean-All Heavy Metals®Hand & Body Soap

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National Public Radio (NPR) published an informative article last year in regards to the hazards of lead dust at firing ranges.  In the high-speed photograph […]

When roofing your home, it is common to have to use flashings when encountering other parts of the house like a chimney, skylight, or dormer.  […]

    The New Zealand Medical Journal recently published the letter “Firearms and lead” from researchers stating more awareness is needed in regards to the […]

Police in Paris have stated that lead levels are very high on roads and gardens in front of the 850 year old cathedral, which was […]

Exposure to lead dust and fumes at the firing range can present a potential health risk to shooters, firearm instructors, other range employees and their […]

The World Health Organization (WHO) designated May 5th as World Hand Hygiene Day.  This year marks the 10th anniversary of the campaign, which encourages more […]

In racing cars, ballast weight is used to modify performance, as well as to add to a vehicle’s total weight to reach the minimum required […]

A local news channel in Nashville, TN is reporting on a shooting range employee who is suffering from lead poisoning.  After weeks of working at […]

Some workers have a higher risk of exposure to lead while at their job. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that around 804,000 […]

Many fishermen enjoy making their own tackle.  Using a personal melting pot, a fisherman can cast his/her own jigs, sinkers, and lures.  Not only is […]