Many of our customers are hobbyists who are inadvertently exposed to toxic heavy metals.  People who work with stained glass are one example.

Lead fumes occur during the soldering process.  The higher the temperature on the soldering iron, the more fumes are released.  Lead fumes are also present if you are painting with lead-based paints (especially if airbrushing).   Another method of exposure is when you’re working with old frames.  Lead dust can be created when sawing old frames.  The plaster and fillings around the glass may have absorbed lead over the years, becoming a health hazard.

Safety Tips for Stained Glass Artisans:

  • If you’re pregnant, stay away from working with stained glass until after you have finished breast feeding.
  • Do not allow children in the work area (including your work clothes, supplies, and equipment).
  • Don’t eat or smoke in the work area.
  • Wear protective clothing and eye protection at all times.
  • Wear gloves when soldering or painting.
  • Use a half-face particulate or air-purifying respirator fitted with a dust/fumes filter, both of which capture small particles of lead.
  • When sawing old cames, wet them down before taking apart old lead-light items.  This will lessen the spread of lead dust.  (Alternatively, try cutting with a sharp knife or tin snips)
  • Ensure your workroom is adequately ventilated.
  • Ensure your workroom is easily cleaned .
    • Regularly clean all surfaces in your work area by wet dusting or mopping.
    • Tools and equipment should be cleaned by wet sponging.
    • Clean walls and windows at least monthly.
  • Wash work clothes separately from the family wash.
  • Shower and wash your hair as soon as possible after finishing work (Alternatively, try wearing a shower cap while working).

Wash away lead dust particles by using CLEAN-ALL HEAVY METALS® HAND & BODY SOAP!

HAND & BODY – With a rich lather, wash & scrub hand and body for at least 20 seconds.  Rinse, then repeat.

SURFACES – Apply Clean-All Soap to a brush or wet cloth.  Thoroughly scrub area, then rinse several times with clean water.

LAUNDRY – Add ¼ to ½ cup Clean-All Soap to contaminated laundry along with regular detergent.  Adding a second rinse cycle is best.

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