A blood test to remember

Don’s blood test showed he had high levels of heavy metals.

Sometime ago, a Vietnam vet called to ask us some questions about heavy metals and our soap.  He had been subjected to Agent Orange, which resulted in a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes.  In addition, he had recently undergone a quadruple bypass and was therefore being monitored carefully by his doctors.  After being told that he had a high level of heavy metals in his blood, he contacted us for more information on what exactly our soap could do.

Turns out, Don was a very active member of a shooting club.  He and his friends met often to shoot and many of them were reloaders.  He spoke to his friends about the soap, and they were all skeptical.  So after another phone call from Don, we sent him some samples of our soap along with with some lead checks and they agreed to run a test.  At their next shoot, half of the men washed with the usual soap stocked in their club while the other half washed with Clean-All Soap.  The test strips showed bright red on the men who had washed with the regular soap while those who had washed with Clean-All Soap had no reaction.

Although all of the members of the shooting club were very knowledgeable about safety and the handling of guns, most were completely unaware about the dangers to their personal health of lead residue from practicing their favorite hobby.  And as active shooters, they were especially surprised to find out that hair loss is one of the first symptoms of lead poisoning – almost all Don’s friends were bald!  Somehow, seeing the reaction of the test strips convinced them all to start taking precautions while shooting.

Don was lucky because he was being carefully monitored by the VA doctors after his heart bypass.  So his blood tests included a check on heavy metals.  Most medical exams do not include testing for heavy metals so many of the members of the club were completely unaware that they had high blood levels until the lead check strips confirmed there was lead on their skin AFTER they had washed.

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